Primavera Sound結束後的那個凌晨,回到巴塞隆納的住處,匆忙收拾行李,躺在床上,沒想到再幾個小時就要回到台灣了,那種不真實感,跟剛到巴黎的時候似曾相識...
直到聞到悶熱且潮濕的空氣,才確信自己回到熟悉的土地上,只是回來之後幾乎每天埋首電腦前工作,台北的雨下個不停,時差跟世界盃讓我的睡眠一直沒好過,最後終於不敵病毒的攻擊,感冒了,喉嚨像破個大洞,上個月的歐洲之旅好像是一場夢一樣,只好一直聽著The National跟Arcade Fire的Bootleg,讓那個夢可以繼續下去...
這種時候我只想說:I need My Girl...
I am good, I am grounded
Davy says that I look taller
I can’t get my head around it
I keep feeling smaller and smaller
I need my girl
I need my girl
Remember when you lost your shit and
Drove the car into the garden
You got out and said I’m sorry
To the vines and no one saw it
I need my girl
I need my girl
I’m under the gun again
I know I was a 45 percenter then
I know I was a lot of things
But I am good, I am grounded
Davy says that I look taller
I can’t get my head around it
I keep feeling smaller and smaller
I need my girl
I need my girl
There’s some things that I should never
Laugh about in front of family
In a week we’ll be together
Try to call you when I’m landed
I need my girl
I need my girl
Remember when you said I’m sorry
To the vines and no one saw it
I’ll try to call you from the party
It’s full of punks and cannonballers
I need my girl
I need my girl
I’m under the gun again
I know I was a 45 percenter then
I know I was a lot of things
But I am good, I am grounded
Davy says that I look taller
I can’t get my head around it
I keep feeling smaller and smaller
I keep feeling smaller and smaller
I keep feeling smaller and smaller