星期一, 10月 12, 2009

The Antlers - Sylvia

聽了好幾個月,今天終於拿到The Antlers的CD了,Sylvia絕對是09年的最佳歌曲,主唱Peter Silberman獨樹一格的聲音,悲傷而溫柔的嗓音,時而低吟,時而狂吼,在Sylvia長達十分鐘的曲勢中表現的淋漓盡致,很多網誌還把他拿來和Jeff Buckley相提並論,雖然我覺得沒這麼誇張,但也已經很厲害了...


Please, curtains in. Start us off...
You swing first. Sorry.
I don't know what I said,
but you're crying now again,
and that only makes it worse.

Let me do my job.
Let me do my job.

Sylvia, get your head out of the oven.
Go back to screaming and cursing,
remind me again how everyone betrayed you.
Sylvia, get your head out of the covers.
Let me take your temperature,
you can throw the thermometer right back at me,
if that's what you want to do, okay?

Please, please calm down. Steady out, I'm terrified.
Sorry, I want us to ally, But you swing on little knives.
They're only sharp on one side.
[ The Antlers Lyrics are found on www.songlyrics.com ]

Let me do my job.
Let me do my job.

Sylvia, get your head out of the oven.
Go back to screaming and cursing,
remind me again how everyone betrayed you.
Sylvia, get your head out of the covers.
Let me take your temperature,
you can throw the thermometer right back at me,
if that's what you want to do, okay?

Sylvia, can't you see what you are doing?
Can't you see I'm scared to speak,
and I hate my voice 'cause it only makes you angry.

Sylvia, I only talk when you are sleeping.
That's when I tell you everything,
And I imagine that somehow you're going to hear me.

